How to get my Referral Fee (For our Instructors)

How to Get Referral Fee? in Singapore dollars for Singapore Only.
1. Must be our instructor
- You are our licensed instructor and hence when u recommend friend to join the same license instructors' Course - you get referral fee.
A valid license kpopX instructor recommends someone to join kpopx instructor course- yes referral fee.
A valid license Line dance instructor recommends someone to join Line dance instructor course- yes referral fee.
If you are a KpopX instructor and recommend friend to join Line dance instructor course, no referral fee. sorry.
In short - Must be same certified program. If not a valid license instructor at all, no claim given.
2. How to claim/qualified for referral fee.
-Our sign up form now has a referral name and your sign up will have to key your name into it.
- OR/AND tell us beforehand who is joining and recommended by you, so we can help keep an eye or even help your friend to sign up. You can quickly write a short email to to tell us who u recommend and /or text to 91059821 to inform pls.
3. How to tell my friends to sign up?
Simple - forward our poster of course date to your friends or social media and say "If you keen, I can help you to sign up" then when the keen ones msg you, just be helpful in answering their questions and send them the link or tell him/her u will link him/her to dan-z fitness pte ltd admin help.
4. Can I offer my referral fee partial or full to my friend?
Yes, that is between you and your friend, up to your discretion please.
5. Claiming of referral fee -When and how
Claim after your friend attended the course (this is to confirm her attendance). Inform us you want to claim (after your friends' course) Coz we are dealing with hundreds of people all the time, is hard for us to remember what is what. We appreciate you claiming immediately after your friend attended the course. Please inform us.
6. Unable to claim (here we base on honesty and integrity)
No claim will be given if you inform us only AFTER your friends already signed up with us. We also do paid advertising on social media too, so they could be responding to our paid advertisements. Seek your understanding please.
7. This offer is valid from Yr 2022 to Jun 2022 so hurry!
8. What happens if two or more different instructors said they are the ones that recommend?
We will based on who instructor name the sign up input in the registration form. Only one instructor is allowed to claim. If sign up key in two or more names, we will ask sign up to choose only one please.
8. I am worry about competition when I recommend people to join.
All occupations are subjected to friendly competition, and to excel, focus on your own skills, your own performance, increase knowledge in not just dancing but sales, marketing, PR, interpersonal relationship and how can ourselves be better? be helpful, and go extra miles with your coordinators, employers, other instructors, volunteers, etc.
If you want people to support you, support them first. For destructive people who cannot appreciate help/support then be neutral and stay away. :)
No matter what careers, the same principles above apply. Have an open mind, be kind, be helpful and Keep learning! Be Happy in life.
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谷歌翻译成中文 - 如果不确定,请寻求澄清。
1. 如何获得推荐费?新加坡元只适用于新加坡。a) 必须是我们的导师 - 您是我们的执照讲师,因此当您推荐朋友加入同一执照讲师的课程时 - 您将获得推荐费。 例子; 有效的许可证 kpopX 讲师会推荐某人加入 kpopx 讲师课程 - 是的推荐费。 有效执照的排舞教练会推荐某人参加排舞教练课程——是的介绍费。 如果您是KpopX教练并推荐朋友加入Line舞蹈教练课程,则无需介绍费。对不起。 简而言之 - 必须是相同的认证程序。如果根本不是有效的执照讲师,则不提供任何声明。
2. 如何索取/有资格获得介绍费。
- 我们的注册表单现在有一个推荐名称,您的注册必须输入您的姓名。 - 或/并事先告诉我们谁加入并由您推荐,以便我们帮助关注甚至帮助您的朋友注册。
您可以快速写一封简短的电子邮件至 告诉我们您推荐的人和/或发送短信至 91059821 以通知我们。
3. 如何告诉我的朋友注册?
将我们的课程海报转发给您的朋友或社交媒体,然后说“如果您愿意,我可以帮助您注册”,然后当热衷的人向您发送消息时,只需帮助回答他们的问题并向他们发送链接或告诉他/她,你会将他/她链接到 dan-z Fitness pte ltd 管理帮助。
4. 我可以将我的推荐费部分或全部提供给我的朋友吗?
5. 索取介绍费 - 何时以及如何
7. 此优惠有效期为 2022 年至 2022 年 6 月,所以抓紧时间!
8. 我推荐人加入时担心竞争。
市场营销、公关、人际关系等方面的知识,我们如何才能变得更好?乐于助人,并与您的协调员、雇主、其他讲师、志愿者等一起走得更远。如果您希望人们支持您,请首先支持他们。对于无法欣赏帮助/支持的破坏性人,请保持中立并远离。 :) 无论从事什么职业,上述原则都适用。保持开放的心态,善良,乐于助人,不断学习!在生活中快乐。