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Get $250 or $500 UTAP Credits and get NROC sport sg registered!

-Updated on 7 Jul 2024;

Get $250 or $500 UTAP Credits and get NROC sport sg registered!- 获得 250 元或 500 元 UTAP 积分并注册 NROC Sports Singapore新加坡体育

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STEP 1:SKIP this if you are NROC/NREP registered

Activate NROC/NREP (FREE) SPORTSG REGISTERED (Required by Health promotion board, Sport Centres (under Sports Singapore) and Community Centres (Under People Association) if they hire you for fitness jobs.

You need

  1. a) Standard First Aid CPR AED Cert. 
  2. b) KpopX Fitness cert & (if have) other professional fitness certs

步骤1:如果您已注册 NROC/NREP,请跳过此步骤,  NROC/NREP(免费)SPORTSG 注册(健康促进委员会、体育中心(隶属新加坡体育局)和社区中心(隶属人民协会)如果他们雇用你从事健身工作。您需要 a) 标准急救证书。 b) KpopX 健身证书和(如果有)其他专业健身证书

Sign up link注册链接 :
Approval is about 2 - 3 weeks, they will email you once approve , if not please enquire with them.批准时间大约是2- 3周,一旦批准他们会发邮件给你,如果没有请询问他们

STEP 2, 

Get FREE NICA/NTUC membership 1 Year  ( Get $250 or above 40 yr old- $500 UTAP credits every year and use for your licenses/courses!!) 

第2步- 获得免费 NICA/NTUC 1 年(每年 $250 或以上 40 岁-$250 或 $500 UTAP 学分)

Sign up link注册链接 :

Approval is about 2 - 3 weeks, they will email you once approve , if not please enquire with them.批准时间大约是2- 3周,一旦批准他们会发邮件给你,如果没有请询问他们


Now you have your Nica utap credits, and you can claim UTAP Credit 50% of your cashpayout.

Dan-Z Fitness will also sponsor KpopX instructors with salary to offset different courses If trainers use UTAP credits Only.
a) Line dance instructor course - Claim UTAP  and $130 Salary for attending course.
b) Aerobics Kickboxing instructors’ Course - Claim UTAP  and $80 Salary for attending course.
c) KpopX instructors Level 2 course - Claim UTAP and $100 salary for attending course.

现在您已拥有 Nica utap $$积分,并且可以申请现金支出的 50% 的 $$UTAP 积分。 

如果KPOPX 教练仅使用 UTAP 学分,Dan-Z Fitness 还将赞助 KpopX 教练,其薪水可抵消不同课程的费用。

  1. a) 排舞教练课程 - 领取 UTAP 和参加课程的 130 元工资。 
  2. b) 有氧跆拳道教练课程 - 领取 UTAP 和参加课程的 80 元工资。 
  3. c) KpopX教练 2 级课程 - 领取 UTAP 和参加课程的 100 元工资。

  1. d) To claim UTAP credits AFTER attending courses

    UTAP Credit 50% of your cashpayout. 

    then click on Union Training Assistance Programme - UTAP & Login with Singpass(more details given when u sign up courses). You need invoice and certificate to upload to website .
    d) 参加课程后申请 UTAP 学分 

UTAP 贷记您现金支出的 50%。  

然后点击工会培训援助计划 - UTAP 并使用 Singpass 登录(更多详细信息在您注册课程时提供)。您需要发票和证书才能上传到网站。

Other matters;
1) For  STANDARD FIRST AID /CPR-AED: +65 9850 4616 Billy 

2) For  KpopX instructors - to get subprogram kpopx-kids, or kpopX-lite cert -online study, no tests get the certs at


1) 标准急救/CPR-AED:+65 9850 4616 Billy 

2) KpopX教练 -  kpopx-kids 或 kpopX-lite cert 在线学习,没有测试可以在 上获得证书

The above is subject to changes by different organizations, this is written purely for information only to help instructors and guide them to registering and please enquire with different organisation above for more info if need. If info differs,please feel free to inform us so we can amend for future trainers. 以上内容可能因不同组织而异,仅供培训师参考