Hire Our KpopX instructors
- We have more than 400 certified instructors!
- Our trainers are trained in KpopX Fitness /Zumba/ Kickboxing/ Yoga/ Line Dance etc.
- Most of Our instructors are also teaching in Sport Centres, Health Promotion Board, Community Centres, RCs etc.
Tell us your needs and we will select suitable instructor(s) for your company workout or events at kpopxfitness@gmail.com or whatsapp at +65 9105 9821.
Details required:
- What Program: KpopX/Zumba/Kickboxing/Line dance etc.
- Date:
- Time:
- Number of participants (profile/age etc)
- Venue:
- Contact Person:
Transport fees $20 up may apply if your location is inaccessible e.g Tuas.
7th Aug 2022 National Day KPopX Fitness instructors breaking record 1600 pax attending Workout at National Stadium. Picture of celebration taken with Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore Lawrence Wong.
Our instructors doing event with Prime Minister as VIP.
Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore presented a certificate of appreciation to our company -Dan-Z Fitness Pte Ltd and our instructors for contributing to SG50.